World Turtle News, 11/13/2018

Partnership Works Non-Stop In Efforts To Prevent The Downfall Of Terrapene ornata ornata

The Ornate Box Turtle (Terrapene ornata ornata) is a native resident of northern Illinois, frequenting the unique sand-prairies which span the Lost Mound Unit within the Savanna District of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. However, as a result of development and the initiation of a weapon manufacturing facility, the population of these secretive turtles has fallen drastically, prompting the 2008 project to assess and develop strategies for conserving this species in decline. Proving a discouraging endeavor, an attempt at relocating specimens was utilized, but due to their strong homing tendencies the animals did not remain in the desired location. A secure nineteen acre enclosure was then constructed in addition to the initiation of a headstart program in 2009, which was a collaboration between a trio of zoos, releasing one hundred juveniles during the following seven years. These turtles were radio-tracked and closely studied by researchers in order to collect data on the survival rates of the released specimens. On September 16 the scheduled “Turtle Blitz” was performed in an effort to discover the greatest possible number of studied turtles, and it was a success, with sixteen specimens located throughout the nineteen acre area. Through the detailed tracking efforts, it has been observed that females are nesting and producing eggs, and the ultimate goal remains to continue this positive trend and subsequently restore the population of these native turtles back to the state of Illinois.

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Photo from Larry and Bonnie Thoren.


WTN Editor

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