Turtle Cemetery Discovered in Brazil
Açude do Cedro, one of Brazil’s oldest dam is now home for more than 400 carcases of dead turtles killed by the drought. Indeed, the reservoir is empty of water right now. The “seriousness” of the situation was recently exposed by zoologist Hugo Fernandes-Ferreira who launched an urgent investigation on the impacts of the drought on the ecosystem.
Turtle News From Around the World
Malta: Sea turtle rescued by fusherman
USA: 4 sea turtle hatched late in Florida
Crime & Punishment
USA: Woman faces charges for keeping turtle in poor conditions
USA: MAn faces charges for possessing a sea turtle
Java: Efforts to conserve sea turtles disrupted by coal plant
USA: Executive Order puts Padre Island National Seashore in a pinch
India: Oil spill put sea turtles in trouble
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Photo from Lapatilla.com.