Sub-Adult Male Astrochelys radiata (Radiated Tortoise) - A Madagascan icon, the Radiated tortoise is arguably considered the most beautiful tortoise in the world.

World Turtle News, 05/07/2019

ACTION ALERT! The AZ game & fish dep. proposes to restrict all federally threatened, endangered and protected species

The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has put forward a proposal which will list all federally threatened, endangered and protected species into their definition of “restricted live wildlife”. Little publicity of the proposed comments has meant that they are quietly heading to the Governor’s Regulatory Review Council. This new list will include a large multitude of species not currently “restricted”. Reptile species include: Radiated tortoises, Burmese star tortoises, Egyptian tortoises, most of the Caribbean iguanas as well as many other species including birds.

If you oppose this new proposal that has been put forward, or perhaps work with any of the species they seek to restrict, send an opposing letter to Rule Making and cc Celeste Cook at . The best letters tend to be individualized letters, also make sure you’re polite and state that you live in AZ and how this new proposed rule change will detrimentally affect you and/or your work in any way.

Here are some addition reasons which you may also choose to include:
• The Endangered Species Act already controls the activity relating to threatened and endangered species therefore this proposal is redundant. The Lacey Act deals with the trade in wildlife, fish, and plants that have been illegally taken, possessed, transported or sold.
• The new proposed rule may be in violation of ESA 6(f)(2).
• There are more endangered reptiles and birds in breeding programs held by the private sector than in zoos. Zoos are unable to accommodate all of these animals. If this rule is implemented, it will no longer be legal to breed them, unless you hold them under a special license that allows you to breed restricted species (a zoo license).
• The rule does not address the disposition of the once legally held, endangered species.

Turtle News From Around the World


USA: Couple buys land next door for gopher tortoises

Canada: Fenelon falls turtle walk

Thailand: Sea turtle rescued on Kamala beach


Cook Islands: Turtle conservation society formed


USA: Stuck Turtle Rescued By New Canaan Firefighters

Madagascar: After Major Poaching Bust in Madagascar, N.H. ‘Turtle Artist’ Swings into Action

Question or Concerns? Want to submit an article to get posted? Email us at

Photo from tTR Sub-Adult male Radiated tortoise.


WTN Editor

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