Liam Whitmore

World Turtle News, 08/18/2020

Historic event: Loggerhead turtle lays eggs at Los Boliches beach, in Spain, for the first time ever! A female nesting Loggerhead turtle has laid eggs at Los Boliches beach in Spain for the first ever! The nest was laid between the 3-4th August, where the turtle laid over 70 eggs, a typical clutch size for Mediterranean loggerhead turtles. This beach has now been thrust into […]

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World Turtle News, 07/24/2020

Wildlife poaching syndicate sentenced to 56 years imprisonment Durban – Nine members of one of Southern Africa’s most prolific wildlife trafficking gangs have been sentenced to a total 56.5 years behind bars in a Malawian court on Monday. The gang were members of the Lin-Zhang syndicate and were each found guilty of at least one wildlife trafficking offence of a listed, protected or endangered species.

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World Turtle News, 07/07/2020

Two Map Turtles Species Move One Step Closer to Endangered Species Act Protection in Mississippi, Louisiana NEW ORLEANS—As the result of a lawsuit by the Center for Biological Diversity and Healthy Gulf, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has agreed to decide on Endangered Species Act protection for Pascagoula and Pearl River map turtles by Oct. 29, 2021. “North American turtles survived the asteroid that

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World Turtle News, 06/23/2020

Turtles and Tortoises Are in Trouble Turtles and tortoises (chelonians) have been crucial components of global ecosystems for the past 220 million years. Today, more than half of the 360 living species and 482 total taxa (species and subspecies combined) are threatened with extinction. Turtle populations are declining rapidly due to habitat loss, consumption by humans for food, traditional medicines, exacerbated diseases, pollution and collection

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World Turtle News, 06/05/2020

WATCH: ‘World’s most endangered sea turtle’ found nesting on beach! A female Kemp’s ridley sea turtle crawled ashore to lay its eggs on the sand in Escambia County on June 3rd it was reported. The county said the Kemp’s ridley turtle was the third turtle to nest on its beaches this season. Earlier this week, two Loggerhead sea turtles nests were also discovered in the

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World Turtle News, 05/14/2020

Mexico finds 15,000 turtles in crates bound for China Mexican authorities said Tuesday they have seized a shipment of 158 wooden crates bound for China containing about 15,000 fresh-water turtles, some of them endangered. The environmental prosecutors´office said the crates were found at a freight facility on the outskirts of Mexico City. The turtles included white-lipped mud turtles, Mexican giant musk turtles, narrow-bridged musk turtles

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World Turtle News, 04/19/2020

Evolutionary trees can’t reveal speciation and extinction rates Evolutionary-tree diagrams, which are often used by scientists to study the branching relationship between species, are commonly used to estimate the rate at which species, such as turtles and tortoises, go extinct and when new species arise (speciation). However, new research casts doubt on this approach. The issue arises as this work has shown it’s difficult to

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World Turtle News, 04/01/2020

Olive ridleys day-nest in Odisha after seven years, but no link to lockdown say experts The eastern Indian state of Odisha is known for seasonally hosting Olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) en masse as they visit the seashore along the Bay of Bengal for mass nesting. This spring, however, heralded a surprise for marine conservationists, who witnessed mass nesting of the species during the

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