World Turtle News, 07/22/2016

Two Turtles Rescued From an Otherwise Sickening Fate

Had it not been for two watchful Florida residents, two turtles would have come to an unfortunate end in the Miami River. It was just an ordinary day at the river for Peter and Michael Oakes, but their experience was one they would never forget. The two friends doscovered two turtles that apparently had been chained together using a drill and fastened together with a padlock. On one of the turtles, the hole was so deep that the chain had been driven into the flesh, which was undeniably excrutiatingly painful for the unfortunate turtle. Using a penknife, the friends were able to carve through the chain and release the two turtles back into their habitat. They would not have lived much longer in this state. Peter agrees that a vet could have assisted the turtle with a swifter healing process, but he thinks the turtles should recover just fine on their own. Turtles are actually remarkably hardy and efficient with the healing process. Both Peter and Michael give a strong warning to whoever was stupid and heartless enough to cause such suffering in innocent animals.

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Photo from Francis Scott.


WTN Editor

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