World Turtle News 06/16/2016

It’s World Sea Turtle Day! Video of a day in the life of an aquarium sea turtle

It’s World Sea Turtle Day and the Audubon Aquarium is celebrating in a most special way. Staffers at the aquarium strapped a GoPro camera onto King Mydas, the popular giant green turtle, and gave us all an incredible look into a typical day inside the 400,000-gallon Gulf of Mexico exhibit. “We wanted to film part of his day from his perspective,” said Tom Dyer, the aquarium’s senior aviculturist. The turtle’s caretakers used a plastic mesh and Velcro to attach the camera to Mydas. They said it didn’t appear to bother him while swimming through his giant home. Almost all species of sea turtles are considered endangered thanks to a host of man-made and natural challenges, according to the Audubon Nature Institute. Click the link to watch the video…

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Species Facts…

Black-breasted hill turtle (Geoemyda spengleri) is almost completely terrestrial, spending much of its time hiding among leaf litter in the forest. This species is rarely seen in water and prefers wild, wooded mountain areas, where it is found close to small creeks and wetlands.

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Photo from Audubon Aquarium.

WTN Editor

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