theTurtleRoom News

New Staff Member, New Resource

theTurtleRoom announces the addition of a new staff member and a new resource. Today, we officially announce the addition of Kévin Labille to our staff in the position of Educational Resource Developer. He and our Founder, Steve Enders, have worked together to bring you today’s other announcement, another new resource. You can expect the two of them to continue to develop neat, interactive content together. […]

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Adult Testudo hermanni hermanni (Western Hermann's Tortoise) - Chris Leone, Garden State Tortoise

Western Hermann’s Tortoise North American Regional Studbook, 2nd Edition

theTurtleRoom and Garden State Tortoise, LLC release the Western Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni hermanni) North American Regional Studbook, 2nd Edition. We are proud to announce the release of the 2nd edition of the Western Hermann’s Tortoise North American Regional Studbook. Updated with new, legal imports and tortoises hatched this year at Garden State Tortoise, the studbook now includes tortoises originating from 9 localities in their

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Adult Cuora mouhotii obsti (Southern Keeled Box Turtle)

World Turtle Day, 2014

World Turtle Day, 2014: Why Turtles and Tortoises? For World Turtle Day, 2014, theTurtleRoom collaborates with our good friends at Garden State Tortoise and Arizona Tortoise Compound to bring you what we feel is our best video yet. Hear direct from the source as we answer the age-old question “why turtles and tortoises?” which we all have been asked before. It is our pleasure to

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Adult Female Testudo hermanni hermanni (Western Hermann's Tortoise) from Sicily, Italy -

Western Hermann’s Tortoise North American Regional Studbook Release

theTurtleRoom and Garden State Tortoise, LLC release the newly-published Western Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni hermanni) North American Regional Studbook, 1st Edition. UPDATE: The 2nd edition of this studbook was released on June 2, 2014. A few months ago, we began the process of developing a studbook for Testudo hermanni hermanni, the Western Hermann’s Tortoise, after Chris Leone of Garden State Tortoise, LLC approached us about

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Updates coming!

We wanted to give you all a warning: we will be switching hosting providers this weekend. We hope the downtime is a little as possible, but it is possible we’ll be down for a little bit. So, if you notice the site isn’t working, do not fear; we will return quickly! Additionally, our 2013 updates are currently being developed. While we may not roll these

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Hatching Indotestudo forstenii (Forsten's/Sulawesi Tortoise)

One More Breeder and an Active Blog

[image border=”true” group=”group1″ lightbox=”true” size=”vsmall” caption=”Assorted Food Picture” align=”right”][/image] Welcome back to theTurtleRoom! On the heels of introducing 2 breeders to you just a month ago, we are more than thrilled to introduce Ben to you. He joins our site bringing with him a wealth of knowledge on some unique species, continuing the diversity available on theTurtleRoom. Some of his achievements are: publishing the 1st

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2012 Season

The 2012 breeding and laying season is here. The first major piece of news we want to let you in on now is the addition of two more breeders to our family here at Curtis and Anthony. Their Projects, Availability, and Wanted pages have all gone live today. These pages will continue to be updated and have more information added to them. We are

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More About Joe

We’ve added Joe’s bio and wanted section. Check out what Joe is looking for and learn about the breeder behind the turtles. We can’t tell you how excited we are to have Joe as part of the team here at theTurtleRoom. We will be adding his project galleries within the coming weeks and we look forward to seeing his breeding groups grow and expand…and lay

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