Turtle Room News, 06/04/2017

Chemical cocktail found in Barrier Reef turtles

Human medicines and household substances have been discovered in the blood of green turtles in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, researchers said Friday, highlighting the impact of man-made matter on marine life.

“Humans are putting a lot of chemicals into the environment and we don’t always know what they are and what effect they are having,” said Amy Heffernan of the University of Queensland.

“What you put down your sink, spray on your farms, or release from industries ends up in the marine environment and in turtles in the Great Barrier Reef.”

Researchers tested turtles at Cleveland Bay and Upstart Bay along the Queensland coast, as well as the more remote Howicks islands in the reef’s north as part of the “Rivers to Reef to Turtles” project led by WWF-Australia.

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Photo from Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.

WTN Editor

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