World Turtle News, 08/17/2016

Tortoise Center Kept Under Wraps

Barbed wire and guard dogs- it sounds like an army base, when in fact inside resides some of the world’s most endangered tortoises, Astrochelys radiata. This Madagascar tortoise haven is the head-quarters of the Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA), which works tirelessly to conserve many of the worlds chelonian species in danger of extinction. Astrochelys radiata is highly sought after by poachers, and each tortoise is valued at $800 each. These animals, after being seized from the poachers, are brought to the sanctuary with the goal of eventually releasing them back into their wild habitat after a five year rehabilitation period. Currently the TSA is looking at options for dealing with the many tortoises that arrive at the center. Some suggest that they should be passed on to zoos, or they should be released into an area not already populated by the species; however, the greatest concern at hand is to care for the animals that continue to be rescued and brought to the sanctuary.

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