World Turtle News, 07/15/2016

New Study on Sea Turtle Microbiomes Sparks Interest

Sea turtles are highly sensitive to the enviroment, which causes frequent fatalities when their habitat is disturbed. A new study is set to begin which will compare microbiomes between captive and wild populations of sea turtles. Headed by Professor Aubrey Tauer of City University of New York, LaGuardia Community College, the research will involve perfecting storage methods and taking new samples from turtles in all stages of life, from eggs and hatchlings, to juveniles and adults. Microbiomes could differ from each life stage. Aubrey Tauer is a co-founder of, which she utilized to start a fundraiser in order to support the new research. It is thought that microbiomes could vary even in rehabilitated turtles, depending on the length of time in captivity. Researchers hope that the results of the study will provide the knowledge basis for the long-term effects of negative enviromental factors on the health and survivability of sea turtles around the world.

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From the Library…

SPOT or the Society for Protection of Turtles is based in north Cyrpus and provides monitoring, research and protection of marine turtles. Also provding opportunities for students and the general public to volunteer for sea turtle duties.

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