Keep Wild Turtles Safe

Generally, wild turtles should be left where they are found. However, they sometimes end up on a road or other similar unsafe places. If you find a turtle in the road, it’s best to simply help them across safely and let them continue in the same direction that they were already going. Being safe around traffic is always important for turtle rescuers as well!

If you see turtles on their backs at the side of the road, carefully turn them over and put them well away from the traffic. Gently put them on nice flat areas of grass or dirt facing in the same direction they were going; avoid rocky places and ditches.

Long-tailed turtles in the United States could be snapping turtles, which can bite when feeling threatened, especially when on land. They can be safely moved out of the street with a long-handled shovel but be sure to be very gentle. You should NEVER pick them up by the tail.

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