Joe unboxes three hatchling Emydura macquarii macquarii, Australis Variant, often known in the hobby as Emydura australis. He hopes to have at least 1 of each sex out of this group. Check out their Project Page for more details!
Joe S
Joe is no longer part of the tTR team. What follows is his old bio from before he left the team. Joe is a Husbandry Specialist, working privately to develop quality, detailed captive breeding programs of carefully selected turtle and tortoise specimens in an effort to meet theTurtleRoom's conservation goals. He also participates in the development of theTurtleRoom's educational resources. Joe lives in Minnesota and currently working with terrestrial turtles and tortoises like The Keeled Box Turtle (Cuora mouhotii obsti) and a few species of aquatic turtles. Joe is a member of the Turtle Survival Alliance and Turtle & Tortoise Preservation Group as well as, and TortoiseBoard.comwhere he can be found on all as Joe_S.